Tesla Camera Calibration Stuck At 99! (Things You Should Know)

Last updated on September 12th, 2023 at 03:03 am

Tesla camera calibration stuck at 99 is a common problem most autopilot Tesla automobiles have. 

It shouldn’t make you freak out or be discouraged that something bad is about to happen to your car. 

Have you ever wondered why your Tesla camera calibration got stuck at 99? Or are you trying to figure out the problem behind the failed calibration?

Tesla camera calibration stuck at 99 results from a software malfunctioning, malpositioning of the camera and sensor, or an issue with autopilot capabilities and cruise control adjustment. Once you notice this problem, there shouldn’t be a course for an alarm. 

I will show you the causes of Tesla camera calibration stuck at 99, how long it will take to do a Tesla camera calibration and how to prevent it from happening in this article.

Why Won’t the Camera Calibration Load Completely?

Tesla Camera Calibration Stuck at 99

Many factors are acting concurrently to bring about the inability of your Tesla camera calibration not to load completely.

The major factor is emanating from an error in your Tesla software.

Since the Tesla automobile is an electric vehicle, there is a lot of software to bring about its function.

Another reason your camera calibration won’t load completely is the camera’s position or the sensor. 

Once there is a camera deviation on the body of your Tesla automobile, your calibration won’t be complete. 

Dirt can also play a role in hampering calibration. In other words, the camera might be dirty and needs cleaning to carry out the calibration effectively.

Also, when there is an issue with autopilot capabilities and cruise control adjustment, camera calibration won’t be 100%.

When you fail to cover the required miles, that will require camera calibration. Calibrating the camera before that will prove abortive. 

You can avert all these causes if you do the right thing at the right time.

But should in case you find yourself in this menace, don’t panic because fixing it is no big deal.

How Long Does Camera Calibration Take?

Camera calibration does not have an actual time limit allocated to it. In calibrating your Tesla camera, time is not a factor.

When you are calibrating your Tesla camera, it requires that you should be patient, calm, and collected. 

When calibrating your Tesla automobile camera, your goal should be that after you’re through with the calibration, your car should be able to detect the presence of an object.

Camera calibration involves adjusting the lenses and sensor of the camera to fine detail to enable it to focus accurately on an object. 

When there is a slight derangement in its alignment, it might be biased in detecting objects, hence leading to an inevitable accident.

There are factors contributing to the amount of time it takes for you to calibrate your Tesla camera. 

These factors include the desired accuracy level, the type of camera, and the technical know-how of the person doing the calibration. 

You should make up your mind to spend a few hours when it comes to your Tesla camera calibration.

Factors That Might Prolong the Calibration Time

Numerous factors might prolong the time it will take to calibrate your Tesla autopilot camera. 

When one or two of these factors are in play, you will spend more hours calibrating your camera.

These factors are;

  • An individual with no sound knowledge of camera calibration.
  • A badly damaged camera
  • A degenerated Software
  • The presence of dirt on the camera surface
  • Rain, fog, snow, or dew will prolong the calibration.
  • When the sunlight is so bright or glare from another light source.
  • When water droplets or mist condenses on the camera’s surface.

Can You Restart Tesla Camera Calibration?

You can restart the Tesla camera calibration after trying to calibrate, and it proves abortive.

Restarting a Tesla camera calibration is resetting the camera to its original pre-manufacture state.

Resetting the camera makes calibration swift and easy. By resetting, you clear all the cache you might have stored in your Tesla autopilot.

To get your calibration top-notch, you have to clear the calibration cache. To do this, you must follow the steps below chronologically:

  • You go to the screen, touch Controls, and tap on the Service.
  • After tapping on the Service, the system will direct you to the Camera Calibration.
  • From the Camera Calibration, you will clear calibration.
  • When you follow these steps sequentially, you are sure to have successfully restarted your Tesla camera calibration.
  • The above steps work for many models of Tesla; however, it does not work for a few models. 

How To Calibrate a Tesla Camera Correctly?

In calibrating a Tesla camera correctly, there are rules and guidelines to help with it.

Before the calibration, you must be sure that your Tesla needs calibrating to improve its functions.

However, Tesla camera calibrations are of different types, but the most common one is the wheel alignment. 

You can’t overemphasize the importance of this type of calibration because it serves to make the wheel straight and assists in minimizing the rate at which your Tesla consumes fuel. 

Below you will see the various methods to calibrate your Tesla camera successfully.

#1. Drive To Calibrate

When driving to calibrate your Tesla camera, it usually takes about 20-25 miles, equivalent to 32-40 km, to complete.

You achieve calibration faster when driving on a straight path with clearly visible lane lines. The autopilot is ready to utilize as soon as you’re through calibrating.

However, you should contact Tesla if your Tesla hasn’t finished the calibration process after 100 miles of driving.

#2. Wheel Alignment 

By aligning your wheel, you can calibrate your Tesla camera. Firstly, make sure you park the car on a flat surface. 

The technician will then use his measuring instrument to measure the wheel alignment. He then uses this measurement to adjust the alignment of the Tesla wheel.

#3. The Use of Software 

Before you calibrate your Tesla camera using software, you must have been very sure that the following are in place:

  • The camera is in its rightful place.
  • That there is no dirt covering the camera
  • You are sure you’ve cleared the calibration cache. 

After you have done all these, you can delve into the calibration properly. You connect the Tesla to a computer and then use special software to calibrate your camera. 

Where you park the car, the software first measures the position of the Tesla in that area and does the calculation. 

After that, the software sends the calibration to the Tesla, and the Tesla finally performs the calibration.

#4. The Best Practices When Calibrating Your Tesla 

You should employ best practices when calibrating your Tesla camera for effective functioning. 

These practices are;

  • Contact a Tesla-certified technician to handle your calibration if you’re unsure of your capabilities.
  • Always make sure you check your Tesla calibration. 

In the table below, I will show you the pros and cons of Tesla camera calibrations.

The accuracy of your Tesla is improved.You run the risk of decreased accuracy. 
It enhances the durability of your vehicle. You might damage your Tesla coil.
It makes your Tesla unique in its performance. Wrong decision-making is paramount. 
It improves the safety of your Tesla. It can lead to the loss of lives and properties. 
Your Tesla becomes so efficient. You spend more when you want to repair your car.

Final Thoughts

Your Tesla automobile getting stuck at 99 might result from a software malfunction, malpositioning of your Tesla camera, or an issue with your autopilot cruise control adjustment.

If you’re experiencing this, it shouldn’t be a big problem, and it just means that it is time to calibrate your camera to make your Tesla work at its best.

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