Do Tesla Cars Need Inspection? (Read This First)
Last updated on April 18th, 2023 at 11:17 pm
There have been many cases of cars that appear to be in good condition experiencing faults along the road and eventually breaking down. In worse cases, they could suffer a road mishap.
For such reasons, governments have issued mandatory vehicle inspections on cars to ensure they meet standards of safety for the environment.
But since inspection requirements for electric cars are evolving, it’s only fair to wonder if Tesla cars also require inspection.
Tesla cars require inspection. They do not fit into the category of emission inspection because they’re electric cars, but they fall under the safety and vehicle identification category. Hence, government officials inspect them and sensitive parts like mirrors, brakes, headlights, etc. These tests are vital for all vehicles, whether gas or electrically-powered.
By the end of this article, you’ll understand if Teslas need inspections, why they’re essential, and which inspection to do.
Do Authorities Need to Inspect Teslas for Emission?

The authorities don’t inspect Tesla cars for emissions since they’re electrically powered and exude no fumes.
So you need not worry about this test. Instead, they focus more on a safety test because, like other cars, many things can go wrong in your Tesla without your knowledge.
Here’s a table showing various parts of a Tesla car that undergoes an inspection and how to go through it.
Car Features | Inspection Process |
Seat belts | Authorities check seat belts to ensure they’re working right and are not stuck. If necessary, you should replace them. |
Tires | Tires wear out, and their treads begin to sustain defects. If the officials detect any faults, they issue a mandatory replacement. |
Brakes | When you notice your brakes don’t work immediately after being initiated, have a professional mechanic check them. |
Mirrors | Your Tesla should have a mirror. If it’s broken or faulty, you can fix or replace it. |
Lights | Headlights are helpful during night driving. If yours aren’t working, you should repair them as soon as possible. |
Aside from the car features mentioned, authorities still check many other things to ensure your Tesla is safe.
For example, they check to see that your car particulars correspond to the information on their database.
They also check your car’s bodywork, wheel alignment, sound emission during engine revving, and parts under your vehicle. If any is found faulty, you follow the due steps in fixing it.
Further, the vehicle inspection test for electric cars, including Teslas, is often called MOT.
The authorities recognize this term and use it to discern the roadworthiness of a car, and the test obtains results after carrying out steps.
Tesla cars’ MOT is already specified, and even users know what the authorities always check. So to guarantee you pass this test, you can have frequent checks from a professional mechanic.
Which States Require Inspection for Tesla Vehicles?
As of 2022, there’s an updated record of states requiring vehicle inspection in the U.S.
These states check for safety and car verification to ensure your details match their database.
This other inspection is called the VIN and requires them to check your vehicle identification number, car type & model, license plate, and maybe even color.
However, not all states require safety/VIN inspections; the table below specifies this.
States | Safety Inspection | VIN Inspection |
Alabama | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Alaska | Not required | Not required |
Arkansas | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
California | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Colorado | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Connecticut | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Delaware | Required every two years | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Florida | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Georgia | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Hawaii | Required Annually | Not required |
Idaho | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Illinois | Not required | Not required |
Kansas | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Kentucky | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Louisiana | Required before car registration and once/ twice yearly. | Not required |
Maine | Required yearly | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Maryland | Required before sale/transfer of car | Not required |
Massachusetts | Required before car registration and then yearly. | Not required |
Michigan | Not required | Not required |
Minnesota | Not required | Not required |
Mississippi | Not required | Not required |
New Jersey | Not required | Not required |
New Mexico | Required before vehicle registration and then yearly | Not required |
New York | Required before vehicle registration and then yearly | Not required |
North Carolina | Required before vehicle registration and then yearly | Not required |
North Dakota | Not required | Not required |
Ohio | Not required | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
South Carolina | Not required | Not required |
South Dakota | Not required | Not required |
Tennessee | Not required | Not required |
Texas | Required before vehicle registration and then yearly | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Utah | Not required for cars below ten years | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Vermont | Required before vehicle registration and then yearly | Required for registering electric vehicles from other states |
Virginia | Required before vehicle registration and then yearly | Not required |
Washington | Not required | Not required |
Where Can You Get a Tesla Inspection?
It’s best to consult Tesla-approved centers for inspection services.
However, not all standalone shops or mechanics are experts at inspecting or even servicing an electric car, so you should be careful when choosing.
An excellent place to visit is Firestone Complete Auto Care, a well-known company good at handling Teslas.
They also have a Firestone mobile app, making contacting and scheduling appointments easier or checking their availability in your location.
Aside from them, you can check out other recognized Tesla-approved mechanic shops that are good at their job.
The bottom line is to select the professionals who know what they’re doing.
Should You Get an Inspection Sticker for Your Tesla?
Inspection stickers are vital; you also need them as a Tesla owner, regardless of whether it is mandatory in your state.
Aside from proving to the authorities that your car is roadworthy, it also protects you.
Below are some benefits of having a Tesla inspection sticker.
#1. Extend the Lifespan of Your Vehicle
Your vehicle is vulnerable to damage at some point, regardless of how well you maintain it.
These problems could start from minor issues before worsening, but early detection through inspection saves you from this. It also helps to expand your Tesla’s lifespan through early repairs.
#2. Preventive Maintenance
Vehicle inspections are preventive maintenance, helping you discover problems on time and stopping them from developing into bigger ones.
This also helps in reducing vehicle breakdowns and reducing costs of repair.
#3. Higher sustainability
You can only maintain/care for your Tesla if you know what parts need maintenance. And that is what vehicle inspection does.
Doing it will help you spot components needing servicing, especially if they’re sensitive ones like brakes, shock absorbers, sensors, etc.
How Much Does a Tesla Inspection cost?
A Tesla safety inspection costs around $7 to $10, depending on where you get it done.
And the VIN for ownership confirmation depends, too, as some Tesla centers offer coupons and discounts regularly.
How do I discern when a Tesla inspection is due?
When you feel something is wrong, or notice any unusual signs in the engine, steering mechanism, or even brake, ensure that a professional checks it out.
Is it Possible to fail a Tesla Inspection test?
Yes, there are chances of one failing a vehicle inspection test. Hence, it’s advisable to service your car frequently.

Hey, I’m Michael Davis, a 35-year-old with a degree and a love for cars and tech. Since I was a kid, cars have been my thing—so much that I even thought they ran on magic beans! Fast forward, and I’ve built Vehicle Army, your one-stop-shop for easy-to-understand car facts.